
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

no man is an island

moving to and staying in a foreign country can be quite an adjustment to make. in fact, for some, it is a huge challenge and can be an extremely difficult experience to deal with. the absence of family members, relatives, close friends, familiar environment, favourite cuisine, much-loved pastime activity and high profile career, can be rather depressing to some extent. all the WH- questions come into mind. who will be my new friends? to whom can I rely on in time of adversity? where am I going to make myself a new home? how do I do things? why can’t i do routine? and etc would be cluttering mind that if not tackle wisely, one may miserably be taken down the path of anger, anguish and frustration. no man is an island. often, this is the time a shoulder to cry on is very much needed and appreciated, making much often than not, esprit de corps prevails over this overwhelming experience.

try to be kind and supportive to those around us even if people are less kind and supportive to us. that wouldn’t keep us any less anyhow, but always believe that the more we are giving, the more we are getting. living abroad is not always easy, so do establish esprit de corps; the sense of purpose, unity and protectiveness among each other i.e. among our own family, organization or even social circles. honour each others, share the sense of pride, solidarity and enthusiasm, and form a much friendly as well as comforting atmosphere. that would positively impact not only those sharing the same atmosphere but also mirrors a favourable image of the country we represent.

great camaraderie doesn’t have to come only when we speak the same language. sometimes, it’s the differences that make us better together, in fact complement each others and get us achieve the unthinkable. or, at least when things are less auspicious, no road is long with good company. easier said than done. yes it is. as Muslims, we always have the Holy Quran which has provided a definite call; man of the highest level of faith (iman) is he who loves not only The Creator, but also the Nature and OTHER FELLOW HUMAN BEINGS. In the event it is impossible to walk the talk, remember the power of prayer. So do make doa and may we all are united. Ameenn.

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