
Monday, August 30, 2010

apple polisher

ever wonder why some people are never short of friends? perhaps, one crucial aspect that explain this is their amazing interpersonal skill or intelligence. when the theory of interpersonal intelligence (which is just one of the many multiple intelligences theory) was coined, many, particularly researchers and educators have started to pay greater attention to developing education frames that would develop, and multiply this intelligence. for us adult, interpersonal intelligence too, is indeed a premium and in fact, very much relevant. one important key feature of interpersonal intelligence is our ability to interact, emphatize, understand, assess and interpret others' motivations, desires, feelings and perspectives. This ability can be reflected through language usage (here comes, linguistics intelligence too). any languages used in a very tactful and diplomatic way have more positive impacts on our counterparts and indeed mirror, our interpersonal intelligence. with such intelligence, we are more likely to get along well with people, gain more friends, and have stronger social network of family members as well as acquaintances. don't we realize that sometimes, our mere presence is sometimes enough to bring cheer to others? as diplomats' spouses, supporting our partners' career does not only demand us to just be by his side and take care of his meals and needs and look after our children. in all missions, diplomats' wives have to participate in various meetings and activities, be that among the members their own circles, or among the international diplomatic corps. often, ladies can play a subtle , yet very significant role in forging diplomatic relationship between countries through the multitude of functions such as fund raising activities, and even hi-tea, dinner or even simple coffee morning! so, treat all as important.

as such, it is crucial for us to be socially-conscious in language usage and avoid any forms of insensitive, bias, inconsiderate, selfish and offensive language that could tarnish the reputation of the country's image we always carry with us, and could jeopordize relationship between people and countries. whether we communicate with subordinate, people of the same level or of the a much higher level, always
show respect to their feelings and ideas. academic intelligence may get us a prominent place, but it's the interpersonal intelligence that may get us favoured by many. Distinguish ourselves though from apple-polishing, or brown-nosing. toadying or false-flattering is unethical. never allow such emotional insecurity from invading ourselves. if we truly have a high level
ofinterpersonal intelligence, we should always welcome discussions, offer insights into things, counsel others, respect others temperaments and always cooperate. believe me, we thrive and grow better without being apple-polishers :-)

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